Waste Management
Waste Permitting & Planning
- Project management & coordination for small and medium sized projects/companies
- Planning applications for waste facilities
- Permit applications for waste facilities
- Permit compliance & regulator engagement
- Permit support for site closure & surrender.
Environmental Technical & Operational Management Support
- Leachate management
- Treatment feasibility assessments
- Environmental compliance management support
- Project management of waste & environmental projects
- Permit compliance audits
Leachate Haulage & Disposal (Tankering) Options & Price Comparisons
- Market reviews and price comparison for leachate tinkering from landfill sites or other contaminated liquids from waste & quarrying facilities.
RDF & SRF Specifications & Disposal/Recovery Options
- Support to operators seeking to improve RDF/SRF quality
- Sourcing suppliers and users of RDF/SRF
Assessment & Optimisation of Waste Treatment
- Processes & environmental control systems
- Operational, technical & commercial assessments of waste treatment activities
Separation of Active & Inactive Wastes Destined for Landfill or Glass or Compost Clean up to Improve Quality & Value
- Sourcing equipment that can process residual fines to maximise the quantity of inactive waste (<10% LOI) from the active fraction.
Problem Waste Streams Disposal/Recyling Options
- Outlets for hazardous waste
- Tyres
- Waste Carpets