Case Studies

Please see some of our work from over the years

CIRIA736 Containment Assessment of Non-Hazardous Liquid Storage, South Midlands

Services - Site investigation, environmental impact assessment, financial liability assessment, Ultrasonic tank testing inspection.
Technical review of Non-Hazardous Leachate storage tank containment and associated risks.

Project Objectives - To provide the operator with a CIRIA736 assessment of the level and likely effectiveness of secondary containment systems installed for the leachate storage and treatment tanks at the site. Assessing the primary, secondary and tertiary containment measures that were in place.

Our Role
- Visual inspection of the 3 tanks
- Production of a baseline condition report to outline the current level of containment, identifying existing and potential risks and setting out possible improvement actions necessary to ensure the secondary containment of the tanks
- Provision of a report consolidating all of the findings from the inspections and undertaking a related BAT assessment and contaminated risk assessment, summarising the possible options to ensure full secondary containment, following the CIRIA 736 guidance.

Outcomes Production of a report summarising and reviewing the findings for each site and identifying recommendations to help the operator mitigate any current and future risks from failures in primary containment systems.

The work allowed the company to better understand the containment risks and possible failure scenarios for the storage vessels and thereby make informed judgements as part of their asset maintenance and management programme.

Ultrasonic Thickness Testing of Leachate Tanks & Bunds, South Midlands

Services - Site investigation, environmental impact assessment, financial liability assessment, CIRIA736 Inspection

Project Objectives - To provide an interpretation of the readings that are found during the Ultrasonic thickness testing of its 2 leachate storage tanks and 1 treatment tank on its site in the South of England.

Our Role
- Visual inspection of the 3 tanks in association with the quantitive measurement of the thickness of the tanks
- Provision of a report consolidating all of the information and data collated during the site visit and summarising and evaluating the readings from the Ultrasonic thickness testing.

Outcomes Production of review findings for each tank reported in coloured diagrammatic representations.
Recommendations on tank remedial works (if any)

Provide the waste management operator with an assessment of the level of thickness degradation of their tanks against any design specification.
Alert the company to any issues with the tanks which could compromise the integrity of their containment systems.
Assist in providing information for the long-term asset maintenance and management programme managed by the operator.

Closed Site Management, North East Scotland

Services - Site investigation, environmental impact assessment, land stability assessment, financial liability assessment, contaminated land assessment.

Project Objectives - To provide the client with managerial oversight of the site and the works required under the determinations as contaminated land.

Our Role
- Over 15 Year project
- Three monthly site inspections
- Project management
- Contaminated land remediation strategy development
- Planning & Permitting
- Liaison with regulatory bodies
- Environmental monitoring of contamination

Outcomes - Conceptual model development
- Identification of key pollutant linkages
- Agreement of Remediation Statements between Client & Local Authority
- Approval of remediation works programme.

- Cost-effective long-term service
- Clear understanding and controls of remediation costs

Closed Landfill Sites, UK Wide (Over 30 Years Experience)

Services - Aftercare provision evaluations, Contaminated Land Part IIA support, Financial liability assessment, Landfill life cycle modelling.

Project Objectives - To provide our clients with expert managerial oversight and forward thinking to allow operators the ability to assess possible future options for their sites against the long-term liabilities that exist and to thereby develop aftercare management strategies.

Our Role
- Project Management & Reporting
- Assessing short/medium/long term liabilities
- Assessing short/medium/long term opportunities
- Introducing technology development partners
- Identifying new and novel approaches to cost savings
- Looking for synergies of opportunities across sites

Outcomes - Long-term aftercare modelling
- Assessment of progress to surrender where a permit or licence is in place
- Selection of revenue generating opportunities for the client to consider
- Selection of cost saving opportunities for the client to consider
- Development of long-term aftercare strategies.

- More focused management of land resource
- Review of aftercare provisions and funding for sites
- On-going project ownership and management support with future chosen cost saving and revenue generating project initiatives